Audiatur Print

An art print series featuring Scandinavian and international poets/artists. A Print is derivative of its context as well as of each original text. It is sensitized, apprehensively, to the concept of concepts. It is a transaction, defiant, yet pliantly branded and commercialized for its audience, an anthology to be utilized at the reader’s discretion, at leisure, or at will a poster; a postcard; a flyer.

A Print is hard to explain, A Print is A Print.

A Print is curated by Judith Nærland


Audiatur Print på Audiatur bokhandel

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A Letter from Jena Osman">A Letter from Jena Osman


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Audiatur – Katalog for ny poesi 2009">Audiatur – Katalog for ny poesi 2009


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Audiatur – Katalog for ny poesi 2007">Audiatur – Katalog for ny poesi 2007


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