(The program is due to changes)
TUESDAY APRIL 5, 14.15, Auditorium D, Sydneshaugen skole, UiB
Emmanuel Reymond, «Receptions of Poetry: Contemporary circulation between France and Norway»
During the last 20 years, the most contemporary practises in French poetry have received an important echo in Norway, thanks to the development of the publishing system, the organisation of events, such as international festivals (particularly in Bergen), and an increasing, collective interest in what is happening in other linguistic areas at the same time. This lecture, just before the launching of Audiatur’s eight edition, will explore the relationship between French and Norwegian poetry today, its genealogy, the role of the actors involved (writers, translators, publishers), and the processes given as frames (digitalization, cultural funding).
(Arr: Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies, University of Bergen)
WEDNESDAY APRIL 6, 20.00, Amalies Hage, Strømgaten 6
Nathalie Quintane and Pavel Arsenev, conversation and readings
(In cooperation with Poesidigg/Henning H. Bergsvåg)
THURSDAY APRIL 7, Bergen Kjøtt
Juliana Spahr reading from That Winter The Wolf Came
Kirill Medvedev reading from It’s No Good
Leif Holmstrand, from Asami Kannon
Aase Berg reading from Hackers
Pavel Arsenev, A post of trust, performance
Aasne Linnestå reading from Morsmål
CAConrad reading from A Beautiful Marsupial Afternoon
Nathalie Quintane reading from Tomates
Joshua Clover reading from Red Epic
The video intallation Crowd Speaking by Pavel Arsenev will be screened during the whole festival period.*
FRIDAY APRIL 8, Bergen Kjøtt
Nathalie Quintane in conversation with Thomas Lundbo + reading from Tomates
Kirill Medvedev reading from It’s No Good
Aase Berg in conversation with Karl Larsson
We invite everyone to share the dinner Andreas Christakis have prepared for us
Pavel Arsenev, «On [Translit], magazine and community», talk
Leif Holmstrand, Asami Kannon, performance
Aasne Linnestå reading from Morsmål
Aase Berg reading from Hackers
CAConrad reading from A Beautiful Marsupial Afternoon
Joshua Clover reading from Red Epic
SATURDAY APRIL 9, Bergen Kjøtt
Workshop: CAConrad, «The Strength of Poetry»
Please join CAConrad in examining how rituals can reconnect us to one another and the natural cycles of life and put an end to our alienation from the planet. Let us experience how the rituals for creating poems has the power to change us in ways we have yet to fully explore.
Aasne Linnestå in conversation with Carina Elisabeth Beddari
Keti Chukhrov, «Why performing the poetic, and poeticize the performed?», talk
Kirill Medvedev in conversation with Rasmus Graff
We invite everyone to share the dinner Andreas Christakis have prepared for us
Joshua Clover and Juliana Spahr in conversation with Matthew Rana and Simen Hagerup
Keti Chukhrov, «The ‘Afghan’ Market: Kuzminki», dramatical poem
Pavel Arsenev, «On documentary poetical objects instead of lyrical writing», reading/talk
Leif Holmstrand tba
Juliana Spahr reading from That Winter The Wolf Came
Kirill Medvedev sing songs for the working class
* Crowd Speaking by Pavel Arsenev (five channels video installation):
«If communism in its written forms teaches us to trust one another, communism as a spoken form teaches us interdependence. In this video installation leftist literary figures share their perspectives on the contemporary situation of literature and exchange ideas about how it might be reconstructed in the future. The participants articulate their own positions, but with the voices of an other, often polemically disposed participant. This experiment in exchanging signs and organizing the spontaneous subjectivity of the utterance aims to show the extent to which positions within a culture are marked by a mutually divergent character and are organized on the basis of the internal politics of literature. But it also attempts to demonstrate the extent to which our views as a whole are indebted in their construction to the speech of the other.»
Andreas Christakis
Nora Joung, Rasmus Graff, Matthew Rana
A Beautiful Marsupial Afternoon
Leif Holmstrand
Aase Berg
Kirill Medvedev
Aasne Linnestå
Keti Chukhrov
Joshua Clover
Juliana Spahr
v/ Pavel Arsenev
Nathalie Quintane
Miia ToivioMiia Toivio">Miia ToivioMiia ToivioLeevi Lehto
Att bli ved I og IIAtt bli ved I and II
Fredrik Nyberg
Beata Berggren, Martin Högström, Peter Thörneby
Falsche FreundeFalsche Freunde
Uljana Wolf
Happiness: Poems After RimbaudHappiness: Poems After Rimbaud
Sean Bonney
Cecilia Vicuña
Tarnac, un acte préparatoireTarnac, un acte préparatoire
Jean-Marie Gleize
-->Audiatur – Festival for ny poesi 2016 er den syvende Audiatur-festivalen, og den finner sted på Bergen Kjøtt 7.–9. april.
Audiaturs arbeidsgruppe består av Paal Bjelke Andersen, Carina E. Beddari, Karl Larsson, Thomas Lundbo, Cathrine Strøm og Martin Sørhaug.
Kontakt: kontakt@audiatur.no
Festivalen er støttet av Bergen Kommune, Fritt Ord, Grand Hotell Terminus, H, Aschehoug & co, Hordaland Fylkeskommune og Norsk Kulturråd.
Festivalpass: 280,-
Dagspass: 120,-
Studenter: 50% rabatt.
Andreas Christakis tilbreder og serverer middag på Bergen Kjøtt mellom 18.00 og 19.00 fredag og lørdag, og nattmat ca kl 23.00 de samme dagene.
Pris: 60,- per måltid / 100,- for middag og nattmat – meny